Novosti ECI 2015 – Apply for a Travel Grant by hid-zg|Published 25.03.2015 Submit your abstract & apply for travel grants! Let your scientific achievements be part of Europe’s major Immunology Congress in 2015! 4th European Congress of Immunology Vienna, Austria from September 6 – 9, 2015 Deadline for Abstract Submission: April 30, 2015, 24.00 CET Take your chance and apply now for one of our many travel grants offered to Young/Early Career Scientists submitting an abstract! Submit your abstract now Register now and save €€€ Register Now Browse the scientific program Scientific Program Make sure to keep your body and mind healthy and register for the Landsteiner and Babenberger Run which takes place right before the start of the meeting Book early and save €€€ Book your room Landsteiner-and Babenberger Run
Published 01.04.2016 EFIS-EIAS Summer School on Autoimmunity “ABC5” – June 6-8, 2016 in Tartu, Estonia Deadline reminder – EFIS-EIAS Summer School on Autoimmunity ABC5-Copy
Published 06.05.2015 ECI 2015 – produljen rok za prijavu sažetaka i travel grant Rok za prijavu sažetaka na ECI 2015 te EFIS/IUIS travel grant produljen je do 10. svibnja. Svi detalji nalaze se na […]
Published 25.07.2019 Godišnji skup Hrvatskog imunološkog društva: bodovanje HLK Poštovani članovi, HLK će bodovati sudjelovanje aktivnim sudionicima s 15 bodova, odnosnom pasivnim sudionicima s 11 bodova. Prijava na kongres:
Published 25.09.2018 Zamolba za postignuća članova i HID fotografije Poštovani članovi, na skupštini članova Društva u sklopu našeg Godišnjeg skupa u Zadru, iznijet ćemo, kao što je uobičajeno, važnija postignuća […]