Dear members of the European Immunological societies, I am writing to make you aware of the upcoming workshop “Genetic control of immune cell activation. Implication for autoimmune disease” which is to take place in Lofoten, Norway 20th-24th August 2015, which is organized by the University of Oslo in collaboration […]
Monthly Archives: April 2015
Hrvatsko imunološko društvo Vas poziva na predavanje Profesionalna izloženost i imunoprofilaksa protiv opasnih uzročnika Neven Papić, Klinika za infektivne bolesti „Dr. Fran Mihaljević“, Mirogojska 8, Zagreb srijeda, 29. travnja, 2015. u 14:00 sati Institut za istraživanje mozga, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu seminarska dvorana, 1. kat Šalata 12, […]
Dear colleagues, It is our pleasure to invite you to the “Thymus@Lisbon” Symposium, which will take place on the 12th of June, 2015 at the Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon, Portugal. This one-day symposium focuses on the latest advances in the field of T-lymphocyte development, tolerance and thymic regeneration therapies. […]
We would like to invite the European Immunologists to participate in the 12th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies which will be held in Dresden, Germany, from September 23 to September 26, 2015: 12th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies “From Autoantibody Research to Standardized Diagnostic Assays in the Management of Human Diseases” September […]
Nedavno otvoreni natječaji za stipendiju: Stipendije MZOS-a, AMPEU-a i Vlade SAD-a: program Fulbright za akademsku godinu 2016./2017. Rok: 1. svibnja 2015. Natječaj za dodjelu stipendija Vlade Francuske Republike Rok: 15. travnja 2015. Postdoktorske stipendije za strane istraživače Japanskog društva za promicanje znanosti (JSPS) za 2015. […]
Dragi članovi, želimo vam sretan Uskrs! Danka Grčević, predsjednica HID-a, i Alan Šućur, tajnik