2016 Annual Meeting of Croatian Immunological Society 14.-15.10.2016., hotel Frankopan, Ogulin Potpomogla Zaklada Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti Skup donacijom podržala Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. Skup sponzorirali: Dragi članovi, zahvaljujemo još jednom svima koji su sudjelovali na ovogodišnjem skupu i doprinijeli kvaliteti istog svojim sažecima, posterima, kratkim izlaganjima i predavanjima. […]
Monthly Archives: October 2016
Dear Madam/Sir, dear colleagues, It’s that time of the year again – we again are able to offer 3 scholarships for students from the developing countries for the Spring School on Immunology of the DGfI (through joint sponsorship of IUIS and the German Society for Immunology). The Spring School […]
Poštovani članovi, prosljeđujemo zamolbu i informacije vezane uz aktivnosti EJI-a, te poticaj da svoje radove pripremljene za publikaciju šaljete i u EJI. U privitku je pismo i ostale informacije. PISMO: fa_national_imm_socs_letter_oct2016_croatia_full
Dear Colleague, I am delighted to inform you that Institut Pasteur a launched a new course on “Innate immunity and infectious diseases”. It is a 2 week and a half long course to be held on April 2017 (see attached program) : http://www.pasteur.fr/en/education/institut-pasteur-courses/mechanisms-living-organisms-theme/innate-immunity-and-infectious-diseases Best regards, Jean-marc Cavaillon & Daniel Scott-Algara […]