Na ovoj stranici možete pristupiti videozapisima s istaknutim hrvatskim imunolozima koji odgovaraju na 5 do 6 pitanja na temu COVID-19: Zašto se cijepiti protiv COVID-19? Sadržaj: Video 1: Prof. Bojan Polić objašnjava što su to cjepiva i na koji način djeluju. Video 2: Izv.Prof. Felix Wensveen objašnjava kako postajemo imuni na […]
Daily Archives: 04.05.2021
Dear members, After two years of absence, we have decided to try and organize the Annual Meeting Of The Croatian Immunological Society once again in real-live. An important purpose of our meeting is to come together and share ideas and that is something that is just not possible in an […]
EFIS Young Immunologist Task Force (yEFIS) About yEFIS The EFIS Young Immunologist Task Force (yEFIS) aims to gather together all early career researchers (ECRs) in Europe working in immunology. Within the different European immunological societies, self-organised Young Immunologist (YI) groups have arisen in recent years. However, there has been limited contact between […]
An important task of immunologists is to educate the public about our field of expertise. As vaccine hesitancy is increasing, EFIS has recently formed a task force that aims to counter misinformation and improve understanding of the benefits of vaccination: the EFIS Vaccination Task Force. Its purpose became acutely […]
The Diversity Task Force has been established to address to the continued under-representation of females and ethnic minorities in immunology. Given the long-term challenge of this issue, this taskforce could eventually evolve into a standing EFIS Committee. The local representative of HID in this committee is Prof. Danka Grčević
The Education Task Force will assess the regional differences in immunology teaching in medical schools across Europe, with the aim of ensuring a consensus of high quality immunology teaching to be included in the curriculum across all European medical schools. The representative of HID in this committee is Prof. Ines Mrakovčić […]
The European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) is a non-profit umbrella organization that represents 35 European immunology societies, including, as well, associations from Eurasia and the Middle-East. Every active member of any of EFIS-affiliated society is automatically considered a “member” of EFIS and can as such benefit from EFIS programs. EFIS […]