Poštovani, izuzetno nam je zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas na svečano predstavljanje popularno-znanstvene knjige: ”Tvoj čudesni imunosni sustav – kako štiti tvoje tijelo” koje će se održati u četvrtak, 28. travnja 2016., s početkom u 14.00 sati u Zlatnoj dvorani Hrvatskog instituta za povijest, Opatička 10, Zagreb. Ovo događanje, koje zajednički […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
Pozivamo vas na predavanje na temu “Interleukin-6 and ADAM17 in the Regulation of Inflammation and Cancer”, a koje će održati prof. Stefan Rose-John u Vijećnici Medicinskog fakulteta u Rijeci, 6. svibnja u 11 h. Prof. Rose-John je jedan od prominentnijih znanstvenika koji se bavi ulogom citokina (poglavito IL-6) i metaloproteinaza […]
Poštovane kolegice i kolege, obraćamo vam se u ime Malog vijeća Hrvatskog imunološkog društva (HID) povodom prijedloga novog Zakona o zaštiti životinja i pitanju korekcije istoga. Naš stav je da bi uvođenje obaveze pohađanja i polaganja specijalističkog kirurškog tečaja za model koji bi se koristio u projektu dovelo u pitanje […]
Dear colleagues, I am writing on behalf of the Stephen W. Kuffler Research Foundation (http://www.kuffler.org/en/index.html). The Foundation welcomes applications from bachelor, master and medical students who carried out original research in Central and Eastern Europe in the academic year 2015/16 and continue it in 2016/17 in the fields of life or […]
Dear colleagues, This is to tell you that information and electronic registration for the 12th EFIS-EJI Tatra Immunology Conference can be now found at: http://www.img.cas.cz/tatra/ I would like to invite you cordially to have a look at the web page and submit your and/or your student’s and collaborators’ registration. As […]
The 16th International Conference on Progress in Vaccination Against Cancer (PIVAC-16) 12 – 14 September 2016, Winchester, UK Progress in Vaccination Against Cancer (PIVAC) aims to bring together translational and clinical oncologists and immunologists dealing with active vaccination against cancer for three days of presentations on the […]
Invitation to the EFIS-EIAS Summer School on Autoimmunity “ABC5” Dear friends and colleagues, In the name of the organising committee we are very glad to invite you to take part of the EFIS-EIAS Summer School on Autoimmunity “ABC5” that will take place on June 6-8, 2016 in Tartu, Estonia. The […]
Dear Colleagues, It is our distinct pleasure to announce that the 30th European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference will be held in Greece, on the island of Kos, the ideal place for a “come together” meeting. The island of Kos, offers a unique environment that reflects, awakens, encourages, and inspires […]