Dear Members of HID, The annual meeting of the Croatian immunological society 2022 has been a great success. With 48 abstracts and more than 70 attendants from five countries, we look back on an exciting and interesting meeting. We would like everyone for their active contribution and especially our […]
Yearly Archives: 2022
Dear members, The annual meeting of the Croatian Immunological society will this year be held on 06-08.10.2022 in Sveti Marin na Muri. The Final program can now be found here: Final Program HID 2022-2 The Abstract book can be found here: Abstract Book HID 2022 Website-v2 On Friday […]
Registration and abstract submission is now open for the yEFIS 1st Symposium that will be held on November 10-11, 2022 at MDC-Buch (Berlin). Under the title “Shaping the Future of Immunology in Europe”, the yEFIS symposium aims to act as a platform for exchange for research ideas, career advice and overall perspectives. […]
Dear members, As you may be aware, the next meeting of the Middle European Societies for immunology and allergology (MESIA), which will be held from 23-26 November 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic. MESIA is an initiative to bring together immunologists and allergologists from Austria, the Czech republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, […]
Poštovani članovi, objavljujemo Natječaj za najbolji rad člana Društva iz imunologije objavljen u 2021. godini. Nagrada se dodjeljuje za najbolji rad mladih članova Društva (do 35 godina starosti) i to prvom autoru rada s navedenom adresom iz Hrvatske. Molimo stoga članove Društva koji se žele prijaviti na natječaj da nam […]
S iskrenim žaljenjem obavještavamo Vas da je jučer 31.01.2022. preminuo naš dugogodišnji član i prijatelj Akademik Prof. Daniel Rukavina. Alademikl Daniel Rukavina, istaknuti hrvatski liječnik i redoviti član Hrvatsko imunološko društvo (HID) i Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU), preminuo je danas u Rijeci u 85. godini, izvijestio je HAZU. Rukavina […]