Annual Flow Cytometry Course 2018: From First Principles to Polychromatic Applications Date: Monday 5th November 2018 – Friday 9th November 2018 Time schedule: 8.30 PM – 18.30 PM Location: Children’s Hospital Srebrnjak, Department for Translational Medicine, Srebrnjak 100, Zagreb, Croatia. Detalji, program i prijava: Flow-Cytometry-Course-2018-WEB-ICPE-ENG_new
Dear Colleagues, We are the Junior Faculty of the Italian Society for Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA). We are writing to inform you about the upcoming Immunology Summer School that our society is organizing in Messina, 20-22 July 2018. The School is organized in two courses running […]
Dragi članovi, želimo vam sretan Uskrs! Danka Grčević, predsjednica HID-a, i Alan Šućur, tajnik
Dear colleagues, We are approaching you on behalf of the Organising Committee of the 5th European Congress of Immunology which takes place in Amsterdam/The Netherlands from September 2-5, 2018. ECI 2018 Event Information 5th European Congress of Immunology September 2-5, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands The 5th European Congress of Immunology […]
Dear colleagues, This is to tell you that information and electronic registration for the 13th EFIS-EJI Tatra Immunology Conference can be now found at: As in all previous conferences of this series we have again excellent international speakers ( A number of stipends for the […]
Dragi članovi, želimo vam sretan Božić i uspješnu 2018. godinu! Danka Grčević i Alan Šućur, predsjednica i tajnik Hrvatskog imunološkog društva
Poštovani, pozivam Vas na dva vrlo zanimljiva predavanja: 1. Beata Halassy: ANTIVENOMI ZA UGRIZ EUROPSKIH ZMIJA – potreba, dostupnost, perspektiva Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Centar za istraživanje i prijenos znanja u biotehnologiji 2. Jasna Lalić: PLANTITIJELA – proizvodnja antitoksina u biljkama Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Centar za istraživanje i prijenos […]
Dear Madam/Sir, dear colleagues, It’s that time of the year again – we again are able to offer 3 scholarships for students from and studying/working in the developing countries (see for the Spring School on Immunology of the DGfI (through joint sponsorship of IUIS and the German […]
Dragi članovi, zahvaljujući vašem sudjelovanju, ostvarili smo još jedan uspješan skup, te se ovim putem još jednom zahvaljujemo svima koji su sudjelovali. Prilažemo knjigu sažetaka u elektroničkom formatu: HID knjiga sažetaka Zagreb 2017 FINAL 1610 Ovom prilikom bih ujedno htio podsjetiti na sljedeće točke Skupštine te zamoliti […]
Poštovani svi, prilažemo konačni program skupa – s izabranim kraćim usmenim prezentacijama. HID 2017 program final Molimo sve koji su prijavili sažetak da izrade poster na engleskom jeziku, širine do 90 cm i visine do 120 cm, te da također za poster sekciju pripreme kratko usmeno vođenje kroz […]
Dear IUIS National Society Member of the European region, We are pleased to announce the IUIS is supporting a new Research Prize! Please forward to anyone you feel this may be of interest. The scope of the prize relates is to reward significant achievements in Vaccine R&D, including […]