Here you can find links to key resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the various global vaccination initiatives. If you intend to organize a meeting or other initiative on this topic and would like to get support from HID, do not hesitate to contact us on: For the […]
U sklopu Godišnjeg skupa Hrvatskog imunološkog društva nagrađena je kolegica Jelena Železnjak u kategoriji najbolji rad mladih hrvatskih imunologa objavljen u 2019. godini. U kategoriji Bright Sparks nagrade su osvojile Daria Kveštak, Maša Filipović i Mirna Jurković. Čestitamo svim nagrađenim članovima!
Dear Members of HID, the final program of the annual meeting of HID is now online. You can download the program here: Final program online-HID2020-2 The abstract book can be downloaded here: Abstract book 2020 In this book, you will also find instructions for access to the meeting on […]
Dear colleagues, Soon, the annual meeting of HID will take place. This meeting is free of charge and open to everyone and will take place via the ZOOM platform. In order to join the meeting, simply follow the links below. This will install the required program on your computer […]
Dear Members of HID, on 24.09.2020, from 9:30 – 16:00 the Croatian Academy of sciences and arts, in collaboration with the University of Rijeka organizes a dual on-site/online symposium entitled: ADVANCEMENT IN VIROLOGY RESEARCH – AN OPORTUNITY TO IMPROVE INTERNATIONAL IMPACT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA Speakers include: Prof. Daniel […]
The preliminary programme for the annual, online-only meeting of HID is now online: Preliminary program online-HID2020 Confirmed speakers of the event include: Prof. Yenan T. Bryceson, Karolinska institute, Stockholm, Sweden Talk: Regulation of NK cell differentiation and function Prof. Melanie Brinkman, Helmholtz institute, Braunschweig, Germany Talk: Digging deep into the innate […]
Ovogodišnji sastanak HID-a će se održati u online verziji od 01.-02.10.2020. Prema planiranom pozvana predavanja će održati: Prof. Yenan T. Bryceson, Karolinska institute, Stockholm, Sweden Prof. Melanie Brinkman, Helmholtz institute, Braunschweig, Germany Prof. Alemka Markotić, University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia Prof. Sylvia Knapp, Medical University Vienna, Austria […]
Dear Members, hereby we would like to announce that the annual meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society will this year be an online only event, which will be held on 01.-02.10.2020. Unfortunately, the recent increase of infected people in our region has revealed that holding events in enclosed spaces poses a […]
U sklopu EFIS-a organizirana je još jedna radna grupa yEFIS (young EFIS). koja je namijenjena mlađim članovima – ”mlađim” u kontekstu pozicije PhD i postdoc, u svrhu stvaranja nacionale mreže mladih imunologa te povezivanja s ostalim europskim grupama mladih imunologa. Pozivam sve zainteresirane (”mlađe”) članove da se Registriraju te postanu […]
Join the next IUIS-Frontiers live webinars on COVID-19 with Donna Farber on June 8, and Lisa Ng on June 15! IUS and Frontiers have collaborated on a series of weekly, expert commentaries and scientific webinars to accelerate the development of novel diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. You can watch the previous […]
On 26-27th of March, the Belgian Society of Immunology (VIB) hosts the congress: Translational Immunology With less than 3 weeks to go before the abstract deadline, the VIB would like to invite you to submit your research for poster or oral presentation at the first edition of Translational Immunology that will […]